Controlled Admission

One of the most unique services we provide to our clients is a service we refer to as "Controlled Admission." 

We offer this service in a number of situations, including, but not limited to, where the foreign national was improperly denied admission to the U.S., or for those foreign national's whose proposed activities fall into permissible business visitor activities but are not readily apparent, or for parole requests, etc. 

This service typically includes the following:

  • Comprehensive professional analysis of the client's U.S. immigration issues, including inadmissibility issues and the purpose(s) for which they are seeking to enter the U.S.;

  • Submission and presentation of a detailed packet to U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) at a local Port of Entry;

  • Attorney Accompaniment to the local Port of Entry.

The main purpose of a controlled admission is to take the burden off of the client by guiding them through the inspection and application process with CBP and helping them in reaching a favorable conclusion.  By submitting a detailed packet to CBP prior to the client's arrival at the Port of Entry, we are able to receive feedback from CBP regarding their concerns about the client's prospective application for entry into the U.S. and how to attempt to overcome CBP's concerns at the time of application.